About Us

by Rutger
A green formation out of gras with solar panels

SolarEnergyGeek was born from a simple yet powerful idea: to illuminate people about the limitless possibilities of solar energy. Our firm belief is that embracing solar power is the key to creating a brighter future for all.

Solar on Any Budget: Making Solar Accessible to All

Contrary to popular belief, going solar doesn’t have to break the bank. While investing in a large-scale rooftop installation may seem financially daunting, it’s a smart investment that pays for itself over time. However, even if a rooftop installation isn’t feasible right now, there are numerous avenues to embark on a solar journey. From foldable solar panels gracing balconies to solar chargers for mobile devices, there are options for every budget.

Advancements Illuminating the Way: Unveiling the Evolution of Solar Technology

The strides in solar technology over the past years have been extraordinary. Efficiency and performance have skyrocketed, with traditional 250W panels being eclipsed by the increasingly prevalent 400W PV panels. As efficiency improves, solar energy becomes more accessible and affordable. At SolarEnergyGeek, we envision a future where solar power is not only a viable option but also a widespread source of renewable energy for all.

Our Mission: Empowering Individuals with Knowledge

Our mission at SolarEnergyGeek is to lead the charge in solar advancements, equipping and inspiring individuals like you to embrace solar energy as a practical and sustainable solution. We’re dedicated to educating about the multitude of benefits, debunking common myths, and guiding you on your solar journey. Together, we can accelerate the transition to a world powered by the sun, creating a brighter and greener tomorrow for future generations.

Join the SolarEnergyGeek Community

Join us at SolarEnergyGeek as we unravel the immense potential of solar power, demystify its intricacies, and wholeheartedly embrace the brilliance of this renewable energy source. Together, let’s take a confident step towards a future where solar energy is accessible to all, empowering communities, and nurturing a sustainable world.

Who We Are



Hey! I’m Rutger, and I’m thrilled to be part of this journey towards a greener future here at solarenergygeek.com. While I hail from the Netherlands, my passion for sustainable engineering took me all the way to the University of Lund.

Growing up in a green household with two wonderful hippie parents, I was exposed to the importance of sustainability from an early age. Their love for the environment and their dedication to eco-friendly practices shaped my worldview and ignited my passion for all things green.

Studying engineering at Lund University was a transformative experience for me. It allowed me to combine my love for science and technology with my commitment to making a positive impact on the planet. Solar energy, in particular, captivated my interest with its incredible potential to provide clean and renewable power.

At solarenergygeek.com, I’m excited to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for green engineering with all of you. Through engaging content, insightful articles, and practical tips, I aim to inspire individuals and businesses to embrace sustainable practices and harness the power of solar energy.

Hello there! I’m Joanna, your second resident SolarEnergyGeek. I may have grown up in beautiful Norway, but my passion for solar energy knows no borders.

During my time at the University of Lund, I had the incredible opportunity to study engineering, and it was there that my fascination with all things solar began to shine. The potential of harnessing the power of the sun to create a greener, more sustainable future ignited a fire within me.

Ever since then, I have dedicated myself to spreading the word about solar energy and advocating for its adoption. From the latest technological advancements to innovative applications, I love diving into the solar-related topics that have the potential to shape our world for the better.

My goal is to make solar energy accessible and understandable for everyone. Through engaging content, helpful guides, and informative articles, I aim to empower individuals and businesses to embrace solar energy as a key component of their sustainable journey.