The life changing possibilities of a solar cell

by Rutger

A solar cell is not a miniscule building block that together with billions of other cells forms the sun. In fact, a solar cell is human made and is very visible to the naked eye. It is a type of technology that has been around for a while, but it’s rapidly developing and gaining popularity at a pace many social media stars can only dream of.

A solar cell is made on Earth

Every day there are more houses fitted with solar panels on the roof. These are solar panels and are used to generate electricity using sunlight. The sun is a giant ball of pure energy, ready for us to make use of. If we were to harness all the sunlight that hits the Earth, we could multiply our global electricity use by a whopping 10.000!

In the 19th century, we learned how to transform the rays of sun into useful electricity. A man named Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, in which sunlight creates an electric current. This effect is created in a photovoltaic cell, also known as a solar cell.

It took a while before it really kicked off, there wasn’t much economical use for it back in the 19th century. Nowadays, that’s a different story. Solar energy is a fast growing utility. With the fight against climate change, technologies like these can really make a huge difference.

From a solar cell to a PV panel

When you see a solar panel, usually on a roof of a house or an office building, know that this panel consists of 60, or sometimes even 72, solar cells. All these cells harvest the sunlight and transform it into electricity. A fully functioning panel generates 250W.

The working of a solar cell

In a photovoltaic cell, light is used to make electrons and holes move within the material used in the cell. The movement of the electrons towards the positive side of the cell, and the holes towards the negative side, causes an imbalance much like the + and – sides of a battery. When both these sides are connected to an external circuit, the current can flow freely. In short, the light causes a chemical reaction that is transformed into electricity.

A close up of a solar cell

The efficiency of the cells is improving rapidly. Now that solar energy is economically viable, a lot of money is being put in research and development. It is very likely that in the near future, solar panels will be lighter, smaller, and cheaper, making it evermore interesting to go for solar power as a renewable energy source. You can already find solar cells in windows! Well, it is a thin film of cells that is placed over a window generating electricity. With developments like this, it is easy to see this being implemented on a large scale.

Chances: Solar cells in developing countries

In underdeveloped nations where conventional power sources may be inadequate or unreliable, solar cells are a growingly popular option for supplying clean energy. Lack of electricity is a significant obstacle to economic growth and better living circumstances in many of these nations. Solar energy, on the other hand, offers a way to get around this obstacle and give a dependable source of electricity.

Elderly woman sitting happily infront of solar panels

Solar cells are utilized in some developing nations to power residences, businesses, and public facilities like hospitals and schools. For instance, solar panels are being erected on roofs to provide a dependable source of power in rural areas of India where many homes lack access to electricity. Solar panels are being used to power houses and businesses in sub-Saharan Africa, where just 20% of the population has access to electricity, as well as to provide illumination in public areas.

Solar energy can be used to power isolated places that could be difficult or expensive to connect to the traditional power system, which is one of its main benefits in developing nations. In rural communities, where access to energy can enhance access to clean water, healthcare, and education, this can be particularly significant.

Solar energy can benefit local economy in addition to facilitating access to electricity. For instance, solar energy use can lower energy costs for businesses, increasing their competitiveness, and solar panel installation and maintenance can provide jobs in the renewable energy sector.

In general, solar energy has the potential to reduce poverty in developing nations by offering a steady supply of clean energy that can enhance living standards and promote economic growth. The upfront expenditures of installing solar panels are one obstacle to the use of solar energy in these situations, but the long-term advantages could be substantial. Therefore, efforts to encourage the use of solar energy in developing nations are a crucial component of worldwide efforts to combat poverty and advance sustainable development.

Day to day use of for everyone

Due to its many benefits, daily use of solar energy is growing in popularity (find out how solar energy works). Solar energy has become a competitive alternative to conventional fossil fuels in response to the growing demand for sustainable energy sources. Solar energy use can reduce carbon emissions significantly, aid in the fight against climate change, and lower energy costs for both homes and businesses.

An old man sitting in the garden admiring solar lanterns

There are so many solar-powered products available now, from solar watches to solar lanterns to outdoor solar lights. See our selection of the best solar-powered devices:

Device Description
SunPower Solar Panels SunPower manufactures highly efficient and durable solar panels for both residential and commercial use.
Jackery Solar Generator A sturdy and portable solar generator that includes a 100-watt solar panel. It takes approximately 8 hours to charge.
Solgaard Lifepack A portable solar charger that attaches to your backpack and powers your phone or other electronic gadgets while you’re on the go.
X-DRAGON Solar Charger High-quality 20-watt solar power charger. Charging a phone or other electronic item typically takes roughly four hours.
ABFOCE Bluetooth Solar Speaker A solar-powered Bluetooth speaker ideal for outdoor activities. It can charge in just a few hours of sunlight.
BigBlue Solar Power Bank A Bluetooth speaker that is charged by the sun, perfect for use in the great outdoors. It only needs a few hours of direct sunlight to fully recharge.
Solarbank Boombox Another solar-powered Bluetooth speaker that can fully recharge its internal battery in just a few hours.
YELOMIN Solar Battery Charger An easily accessible, low-cost solar power bank for your phone or other electronic devices.
4Patriots Sun Water Heater The 4Patriots Sun Kettle is a remarkable invention that enables you to heat water with ease, and in no time at all, thanks to its solar power feature.
Solgaard Solarbank Solar-powered portable battery pack that is both lightweight and of good quality, allowing you to charge your phone and other gadgets on the go.
Solar-powered Fans Solar-powered fans are beneficial in more ways than one: they save money and help the planet by not drawing power from the grid.
Solar Cookers Solar cookers are often used in places where access to fuel for cooking is limited or expensive, or where there are environmental concerns related to the use of traditional cooking methods, such as wood or charcoal burning.
Solar Watches Solar watches come in various styles and designs, from sporty to elegant, and are available from a variety of watch manufacturers.
Different solar-powered devices available

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