Solar rooftop – the benefits of going solar up there

by Rutger

There used to be a time where people would send complaints to a HOA arguing that their neighbors’ solar rooftop was an eyesore. Nowadays, people have become more accepting of seeing solar panels on a roof and well, modern solar panels look a lot better than the older ones.

A solar rooftop is a beautiful thing

Take the solar panels of SunPower, they look as smooth as you can imagine them. When added to your solar rooftop, these pv panels look more like a blinded window than a set of panels. Just under the photovoltaic panels, there are small inverters, optimizing the amount of energy harnessed. These panels are 400W, which is a lot more than the average 250W. In short, this means you get more electricity out of less space used on your solar rooftop.

Colourful solar panels

And what is not visible to your neighbour, but what you can see clearly, is the amount of money you’ll be saving once you have your solar power installation set up on your house. The initial cost of getting a solar rooftop is quite high, but the system pays for itself. Going solar means you’re in it for the long run.

Most solar systems come with warranties that last many years. Once the solar installation has been paid off, then the real money making starts. You either save a lot of money on your utility bills, by not consuming nearly as much as you used to and by net metering, or you are actually making money by selling the electricity you produce to the utility company. What’s more beautiful than that?

7 major benefits of going solar

Solar power is gaining widespread popularity among households and businesses worldwide, thanks to its numerous benefits. Choosing solar energy is a wise decision for those who seek to protect the environment, reduce costs, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. Below are some of the top reasons to make the switch to solar energy.

Little boy with hat reading the newspaper inf front of solar panels

1. Financial gains

Costs can be reduced significantly over time if solar panels are installed. There is an initial expense to buy and install solar panels, but they can last for decades while requiring almost little upkeep. In addition, solar installations can be made more cost-effective by taking use of the numerous governmental rebates and credits available for this purpose.

2. Self-sufficiency

Buildings and homes can increase their energy independence by adding solar panels. They are no longer totally dependant on the grid, which is especially helpful in the event of power outages or peak demand when the grid is unable to supply enough electricity.

3. Positive effects on nature

The energy derived from the sun is completely renewable and harmless to the environment. Solar energy is a great way for homes and companies to cut their carbon emissions and help the environment.

4. Improved asset worth

The value of a home or business increases when solar panels are installed, compared to when they are not. Many homebuyers are prepared to pay a premium for a property that boasts both low energy bills and renewable power sources.

5. Persistence & agelessness

A solar panel can function reliably for decades with only occasional cleaning. They can last for 25 years or more thanks to the sturdy construction and manufacturer assurances that they will not fail due to the weather.

6. Reliability

As the sun shines in most of the world, solar power is a viable energy option. Solar panels are a reliable power source since they can produce electricity even when the sun isn’t out.

7. Protecting our energy supply

Solar energy provides a reliable and cost-effective alternative to the more volatile and less reliable fossil sources. Solar energy has the potential to contribute to the goal of energy independence because it is dependable and consistent.

The cost of a solar rooftop

Depending on the state you live in, you can apply for a subsidy to help you get your solar rooftop. This will help cut the initial cost of the installation. Once the system is up and running, it hardly costs any money. You might want to hire a professional every now and then to clean the panels, just for your own safety. But that is it, most warranties cover any necessary repairs so if something does happen to the system, it’ll be fixed completely free of cost.

A jar of money standing on solar roof

Setting up a solar rooftop isn’t easy. You should let a professional contractor do it so you are sure everything is installed correctly. If you are good with your hands, it is definitely doable to do it yourself, but be careful as you don’t want to injure yourself trying to save some money on the installation. Most solar panel companies come with installation included, you pay for the system, and they send a contractor that is specialized in setting up solar power installations. This way, you know it is done right, which is quite reassuring if you think about the fact that you’ll be using those panels for the many years to come.

Have you decided that you want to go solar? Make your appointment today and get an estimate on your own solar rooftop. With powerful pv panels you don’t need a huge roof to get enough electricity from sunlight. You could even start with only a few panels, enough to cover the power needs of your common kitchen appliances. This will already make a large dent into your utility bill. With the money you save there, you can upgrade your solar rooftop step by step.

Keep in mind that the money you pay initially, will come back to you by the free electricity you are generating. On top of that, you will be saving the planet by using a renewable energy source rather than burning coal, gas or other fossil fuels. By going solar you contribute to a greener future, all the while you’re saving money. It’s a win win, really.

Financing options for solar installations

Option Description
Government Incentives Household who want to put solar panels on their roofs might qualify for a variety of financial incentives from the government, including tax credits, rebates, and grants. Because of these incentives, the cost of installing solar panels is reduced, which in turn makes solar energy more accessible for everyone.
Solar Loans Loans with reduced interest rates that are expressly created for the purpose of funding the installation of solar panels. Homeowners have the ability to pay for the investment over time, which brings down the overall cost of the project.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) Solar panels that belong to a third party are mounted on the roof of the homeowner’s property. The price of the power that is generated by the solar panels is predetermined and agreed upon by the homeowners. Those who are interested in utilizing solar energy but do not wish to pay for the installation all at once may want to consider this alternative.
Home Equity Loans To finance the installation of solar energy systems on their properties, homeowners can leverage the equity they have accumulated in their homes by taking out loans. Homeowners with substantial equity in their houses who wish to utilize it for funding solar panel installation may find this option worth exploring.
Solar Leases Instead of purchasing the electricity that is generated, homeowners that utilize solar panels are responsible for the monthly leasing payment. Homeowners who are interested in using solar energy but are unable to pay the initial fees associated with purchasing a solar system may want to consider this alternative.
Community Solar Programs The financial benefits that come from a single solar installation might be shared among communities. Consider pursuing this choice as an alternative for homeowners who do not have the resources or the room necessary to install solar panels on their own property.
Different financing options for solar installations available for US-citizens

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